Sunday 4 February 2007


Lord, at such a young age I was privileged to behold your wondrous acts. The marvels of your Holy Spirit laughter breathing in, through, and around your people in our little building, legs growing out, and once 'demons talking back.' Sure, my folks had their problems; but 'really' we all did. So few can say that they've tasted of your former and latter rain, in the midst of a great revival, while most everyone were slain. Course "falling-back" or what denotes the term "slain" must derive from the soldiers falling backwards, when they came for Christ that day. At any rate I truly have seen it all, from legs and arms growing out, and your power upon me when I witnessed to my whole gym. Never thought that years of trials and bumps could take it's toll; when years later such pain drove me far from you Lord (with the rat-race so fast and filled with sin).

Since people see just what they want to see and not always what's there, it's interesting that your word tells us "men go from prison house to prison house." Guess you could say that I've repeated history like this a bit; not having the supportive influence so vital for young teens. Still each time I got myself in a jam, you came through for me because you are a Father to the orphan, widow, and stranger, and rescued me from hell.

I read once that Charles G. Finney (called: "America's foremost revivalist), who was a great attorney and revolutionary evangelist in his day, walked into some church and basically thought that they were a bunch of ignorant simpletons. However, it was the prayers of these few simpletons that God used to transform this brilliant attorney into a dynamic revolutionist, scholar, and renowned evangelist. Today his masterful literary works can be read on the Internet; as with many of the radical revolutionist such as: Smith Wigglesworth (who raised the dead), Pastor Rod Parsley (called the raging prophet), Benny Hinn (who doesn't just have a great television ministry but is a channel for God's mighty acts), Katherine Kuhlman (who donating hundred of thousands of dollars to hospitals, and was used as a channel of God's healing power), and many others who have impacted our planet. Since God is no respecter of persons and certain conditions are met, He still moves- "his wonders to perform." It's quite interesting how God uses the weak and foolish things to confound the wise, so that no man glories in their strength. Yes God does move in strange ways, or so it is written, "his wonders to preform."

Now, you've been speaking to me of CHANGE; as in: REVOLUTION. Even with Azusa Street Revival (and every great change) there has had to be a divine REVOLATION. So my question is: "What's it gonna take 'Lord' for this "Death ridden society" to receive LIFE~ against Death's propaganda?" Honestly, I don't think that such a great MOVE OF GOD will start with the churches. More likely, this revolutionary "FIRE OF THE MOVE OF GOD will begin with the most UNLIKELY characters. Nevertheless, whenever and wherever it starts move, I'm sure such a DIVINE FIRE AND FLAME that will burn its way into history's pages as nothing ever seen before. As it is written: "GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE." God is explicitly called a "consuming fire" in: Deut 4:24; 9:3; Heb 12:29). Also a few other places: Exod 24:17; Isaiah 30:27, 30; 33:14.

BRING IT ON LORD. For the sake of lost and helpless souls, and controlling perpetrator against innocent lives, for militant leaders and puppeteers leading ones astray, multitudes in the valley of indecision, and for the cries of Your thirsty, needy, people Lord. Bring revelation/ revolution to turn the heart of the parents to their children, and the hearts of children to their parents; turn all of us to one another with a conscious awareness of forgiveness, mercy, and grace. HELP US, for it's no longer written on the hearts of American people (and many nations): "IN GOD WE TRUST."

By Milly Hunter


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